Digital Island Exclusive Pt 3: The Raw Truth About Contact Centre CX and Engagement

Welcome back to part three of our series covering the exclusive scoops given to us by world leader in customer experience (CX) and contact centre management, Brad Cleveland. If you’re new to this series, we were thrilled to have Brad join our exclusive Business Executive Luncheon via live stream from California.

We are only now publishing Brad’s insights — in this article, we’re going to hone in on the stark reality of where CX is post-COVID, and what you need to do to meet current customer expectations. And let’s not forget, you have another audience that is often overlooked — your hard-working contact centre agents.

We often talk about CX being the lifeblood of contact centre efficacy. But how often do we actually cut through the corporate fluff and give ourselves an honest assessment of what CX means right now for our customers and our contact centre agents? Brad reminded us that it’s time to take a step back, and critically evaluate and enhance our approaches to CX in the here and now.

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The Importance of Omnichannel Integration

Brad emphasised a critical point during our luncheon: the urgent need for true omnichannel integration in contact centres. It’s startling to realise that according to Brad’s data, only about 25% of contact centres can genuinely call themselves omnichannel. Most centres are still stuck in a multichannel mindset, where phone, email, chat, chatbots, and social media channels operate in isolation.

It’s important to note that omnichannel and multichannel should not be confused:

  • Multichannel: Each communication channel (phone, email, chat, etc.) operates independently, often leading to disjointed CX.
  • Omnichannel: All channels are integrated and work together seamlessly, providing a consistent and cohesive CX.

In short, the fragmentation of multichannel only leads to disjointed customer experiences and inefficiencies that we simply can’t afford in today’s competitive market.

It should be noted that the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many plans for technological integration, causing delays in achieving omnichannel capabilities. Not to mention, the rapid rise of AI has often overshadowed the need for seamless channel integration. With that being said, Brad made a point that investing in omnichannel is now more crucial than ever for improving customer journeys.

Benefits of Omnichannel Integration

Achieving seamless omnichannel integration is nothing short of a necessity in 2024. Here’s why:

  • Seamless Customer Journeys: Customers today simply expect to be able to switch between channels without repeating crucial but mundane information like their name, account number, and service issue. And honestly, why should they have to put up with such a fundamental but fixable annoyance? Effective omnichannel systems are readily available to make sure that all interactions are recorded and accessible, providing a smooth transition from one medium to another. This consistency builds trust and massively enhances customer satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Having all channels on the same routing platform optimises agent resources and provides a holistic view of customer interactions. This integration allows for better workforce management and more efficient use of agent time.

Digital Island’s Insights on Omnichannel Integration

Here are our pivotal strategies for transitioning to an omnichannel model:

  1. Strategic Planning: Develop a clear roadmap for integrating various communication channels. This involves not just technology but also training and process adjustments.
  2. Invest in Technology: Choose platforms that support omnichannel capabilities and be sure that they integrate seamlessly with existing systems to avoid disruptions.
  3. Employee Training: Equip your agents to handle multiple channels efficiently. Training is essential to ensure they can provide consistent service across all mediums.
  4. Customer-Centric Approach: Genuinely keep the customer at the centre of all integration efforts. Use journey maps and feedback to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.

To sum it, up, don’t mistake omnichannel as just a “nice feature” — it’s now a genuine strategic necessity for modern contact centres. By breaking down silos between communication channels, we can enhance customer satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, and build a more resilient and adaptable service model.

If you want deeper insights, you can read more in our article Integrate Your Contact Centre with Omnichannel for a Seamless Customer Experience.

Future-Proofing with Digital Transformation

Another major theme of our luncheon was future-proofing contact centres through digital transformation. The discussion covered the importance of making operations resilient, scalable, and adaptable to future technological advancements and market changes. With the rapid pace of innovation, it’s incredibly important to make sure that your contact centre is prepared for whatever comes next.

The Need for Digital Transformation in NZ Contact Centres

It’s hard to deny that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the need for digital transformation. Contact centres that were able to adapt quickly to new technologies found themselves better able to handle the surge in customer interactions. Those that didn’t, struggled to keep up.

Future-proofing through digital transformation has to be more than a shopping list of new technologies — it has to involve a comprehensive approach to overhauling processes and systems to be more agile and responsive.

Key Strategies for Future-Proofing Your Contact Centre

  1. Unified Routing Platform: Having all communication channels on the same routing platform is key. It ensures optimal use of agent resources and provides a top-down view of all interactions. This approach gives you more efficient management and seamless customer experiences.
  2. Real-Time Data Analytics: The ability to change channels in real-time and access data on why and when customers are moving between channels should be a priority. This information helps in building more effective customer journeys and addressing pain points quickly.
  3. Invest in Scalable Technologies: Choosing technologies that can scale with your business is essential. Cloud-based solutions, for example, offer the flexibility to scale up or down based on demand, making sure that your contact centre can handle fluctuations without compromising on service quality.
  4. Continuous Training and Development: Train your agents with the skills and knowledge to adapt to new technologies and processes. Ongoing training will help make sure your team remains competent and confident in using new tools, which in turn will improve overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

If there is one thing to take away, it’s that investing in technology for your contact centre should not be about acquiring the latest, shiniest, bells and whistles, but rather a continuous commitment to operational and strategic excellence. By focusing on unified platforms, real-time analytics, scalable solutions, and ongoing training, you can be sure that your contact centre remains resilient, efficient, and ready to meet whatever the future throws at you.

Managing Customer Patience and Stress

The final key point discussed during our luncheon was the increasing importance of managing customer patience and stress. If it wasn’t already abundantly clear to your agents, Brad highlighted that customers are currently less patient and more stressed than ever before. Effective customer service has become critical in mitigating these challenges.

Understanding the Current Landscape

Recent studies, such as the CCMC National Customer Rage Study, have shown a significant increase in customer frustration and negative interactions with service representatives and agents. The rise in customer stress levels makes it essential for contact centres to equip employees with the necessary tools and support to handle these challenging interactions.

While the reasons for the rise in customer complaints are complex and somewhat understudied, it’s worth exploring potential reasons to understand their frustration.

  • Complexity of Products and Services: Modern products and services have become more complex. Customers may find it frustrating to get through complex processes or deal with technical details.
  • High Expectations: With technological advancements and improved experiences in some industries, customers now expect seamless service everywhere. When companies fail to meet these higher expectations, frustrations happen.
  • Communication Channels: The increase in communication channels (phone, email, chat, social media) can lead to inconsistent experiences. Customers will no doubt feel frustrated when they receive different responses across channels.

Brad’s Recommendations for NZ Contact Centre Leaders

1. Make Things Easy for Customer

Brad emphasised the importance of making things easy for customers. By using journey maps and customer access strategies, leaders can identify areas where interactions can be simplified. Regular reviews of customer processes help pinpoint where customers face difficulties, allowing for targeted improvements.

2. Harness the Strategic Value of Contact Centres

Contact centres have a unique vantage point, seeing firsthand how customers interact with products and services. Brad urged leaders to recognise and harness this strategic value. Insights from customer interactions should be shared across the organisation to inform broader strategic decisions in order to drive innovation and improve the overall customer experience.

3. Be Bold

Brad urged leaders to be courageous in making necessary changes, even when facing unknowns and potential risks. Leaders should do their homework, communicate effectively, and take bold actions to drive positive outcomes. Encouraging boldness can lead to transformative changes that significantly enhance the overall performance and customer satisfaction of the contact centre.

4. Support and Train Employees

Give your employees tools and training focused on emotional intelligence and advanced problem-solving techniques to manage stressful interactions effectively. Beyond that, support them by showing you are putting yourself in their shoes to better understand their jobs.

It’s clear that customers today face new challenges that contribute to their frustration and stress. As contact centre leaders, it’s essential to empathise with these struggles and implement practical strategies to address them. By simplifying customer interactions, using contact centre insights, and supporting and training employees, organisations can enhance their customer service and better meet the demands of today’s stressed and impatient customers.

Where to Next With Digital Island

We promised to cut through the corporate jargon and offer an honest assessment of what CX means right now. By examining omnichannel integration, future-proofing with digital transformation, and managing customer patience and stress, (with Brad’s help) we’ve given you practical strategies to enhance your contact centre’s performance and service quality.

However, we understand that reading a blog won’t solve all your challenges. That’s where Digital Island comes in. Our team is ready to provide expert guidance and tailored solutions to help you implement these strategies and lift your CX so that it becomes a profit centre, not an obligation.

Contact us today to learn how we can partner with you to achieve your goals and transform your contact centre operations.

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1. What is omnichannel integration in contact centres?

Omnichannel integration in contact centres ensures that all communication channels (phone, email, chat, social media) work seamlessly together to provide a consistent customer experience.

2. How can digital transformation future-proof my contact centre?

Digital transformation can future-proof your contact centre by making operations more resilient, scalable, and adaptable to technological advancements and market changes.

3. Why is managing customer patience and stress important in contact centres?

Managing customer patience and stress is crucial as it enhances customer satisfaction, reduces negative interactions, and improves overall service quality.

4. What are the benefits of simplifying customer interactions?

Simplifying customer interactions can reduce frustration, improve satisfaction, and streamline processes, making it easier for customers to navigate and resolve issues.

5. How can contact centres leverage customer insights for strategic decisions?

Contact centres can use customer insights to identify trends, inform strategic decisions, drive innovation, and improve products and services.